
Achieve nearly complete public safety everywhere in Dane County and eliminate fear, permanently.


To achieve safe neighborhoods and communities throughout Dane County for everyone everywhere. People must feel safe and be safe.


Support law enforcement in its lawful and just roles.


Promote even-handed justice by police, sheriff, prosecutors and judges. Justice must be blind and non-discriminatory and must by fair to everyone.


Punish all violent criminals.


Eradicate crime of all kinds in all neighborhoods regardless of location and to have a court system, including both prosecutors and judges that insures that it is achieved.


Safety Has Been Compromised. Over the last 10 years public safety has been compromised throughout Dane County. Crime and bad behavior are endemic and spreading within the urban area and now in the suburbs, villages, and even towns of Dane County. Most worrisome is the frequent discharge of deadly gunfire, prolific gang activity and violence, increasing drug trafficking especially heroin, school violence and degradation, and increasing levels of citizen fear in their daily lives. It affects neighborhoods, shopping areas, schools, colleges, workplaces, streets, and even public events.

The glue that holds society together is civil obedience, respect for the law, neighborliness, respect for each other and everyone’s property, tolerance, reliable and even-handed justice, and the expectation of reliable safe behavior wherever we are and whoever we are. That glue is melting and people are worried about their personal safety, the conditions of their communities, and the future of the county where they love living.

Dedicated to a Safe County. We do not accept bad behavior, criminal conduct, and unsafe communities. There is no justification for lawlessness and fear. Important issues must be addressed and solved without our communities descending into unsafe and fearful conditions. We are dedicated to restoring and maintaining safe homes, safe neighborhoods, and safe communities for everyone. We are dedicated to restoring a high quality of life everywhere in Dane County, defeating urban decay, and having safe communities where all people and families can pursue their dreams and live fulfilling lives.

It is up to people to lead this change in their neighborhoods, their communities, their workplaces, their schools, in public places, and in the county as a whole. And so they shall. This committee is dedicated to that purpose.