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Safe, Always, for Everyone in Dane County

You can help restore public safety in Dane County

Public Safety is a community responsibility.  Citizens, organizations, businesses, academia, religious groups, government, neighborhoods all must play a role.  Everyone, no matter who they are, if they are law-abiding deserve to live in safety, free from fear, and confident that their quality of life is secure. 

 Crime begets crime.  Violence begets violence.  When we tolerate crime and violence, we get more and more of it.  Some people instead of seeking help for their problems, frustrations, or issues loose to lash out.  The more they see others lashing out, the more they consider acting out too.  The cycle of crime and violence must end.

Narcotic drugs crush the community’s soul. The pervasive distribution and use of narcotic drugs is a plague on people.  With overdose deaths reaching 100,00 per year in the United states, we have a crisis.  Often the single use or short term use of narcotics makes people drug-addicts for life, where even if they get clean, is a daily struggle.  Drug addiction affects families, friends, co-workers neighborhoods and the whole community.

Lawful policing is critical to stopping this conflagration.  Policing needs to be lawful and respectful.  Police and sheriff’s deputies need to be supported and their numbers significantly increased to meet the threat.  Without law enforcement there can be no safety, no second chance programs that will work, no development of community respect, and no hope for people who need to be helped.

People and their communities have a human right to personal and general safety. SAFEDANE is an organization for citizens and their communities to restore safety for everyone, everywhere.  There are scores and scores of organizations in Dane County to help people, but first people have to want help.  A vigorous community public safety response and effective law enforcement will give citizens the human right to safety to which they are entitled.  And those that need help will get it before they do something unforgivable.  JOIN US and help!